Verbal Warnings in Sri Lanka

Purpose of Verbal Warnings

  • Early Intervention: Address performance or behavioral concerns promptly.
  • Communication and Guidance: Provide clear expectations and guidance for improvement.
  • Opportunity to Course-Correct: Give employees a chance to address issues and demonstrate improvement.

Legal Framework

  • No Single Law: While not mandated by law, verbal warnings align with the progressive disciplinary approach emphasized by TEWA.
  • Common Law Principles: Consider principles of fairness and natural justice in conducting verbal warnings.

Conducting a Verbal Warning

  • Private Discussion: Hold the conversation in private to facilitate open communication.
  • Specificity: Clearly explain concerns with specific examples.
  • Expectations and Goals: Outline expected improvements and set goals for progress.
  • Documentation: While informal, document key points of the discussion for reference.

Employee's Role

  • Active Listening: Listen actively and ask clarifying questions.
  • Commitment to Improvement: Demonstrate willingness to improve and discuss support needed.

Benefits of Verbal Warnings

  • Early Resolution: Address issues before they escalate.
  • Open Communication: Foster trust and rapport between supervisor and employee.
  • Employee Development: Provide opportunities for growth and improvement.


  • Fairness and Consistency: Apply verbal warnings fairly and consistently.
  • Progressive Discipline: Use them as the initial step in a disciplinary process if necessary.